Whether one keeps a big garden, or a small one (think balconies/porches), we all find that time is of the essence, what with busy lives between the office, picking up kids, finding an hour for the gym etc. So, what follows here are 10 useful hints, tips
Monthly Archives: April 2015
Posted: April 24, 2015
Posted: April 24, 2015
Companion planting is a concept whereby the growth of some plants benefits others, e.g. flowers and vegetables, which is becoming more and more popular all the time. Certain flowers are planted next to, or among, rows of vegetables in order to attract
Posted: April 16, 2015Categories: Garden News
The guiding principles to inspire, involve, inform, and improve are at the core of the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS). Founded in 1804, it is the goal of the RHS to be the world's leading garden charity. It is the vision of the RHS to make the UK a