Gardening Advice

  1. How to Add a Garden Gate into a Fence

    fencing and gate in front of white house with blue door

    Read our step-by-step instructions for how to add a garden gate into a fence. Enhance access, privacy, and aesthetics with our detailed garden gate installation guide!

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  2. Your Winter Lawn Care Guide

    Your Winter Lawn Care Guide

    Don’t neglect your lawn this winter. Read our winter lawn care guide so that your lawn remains in perfect condition for spring.

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  3. Climbing Plants for Your Trellis

    Climbing Plants for Your Trellis

    Garden Trellis and Climbing Plants – A Match Made in Heaven

    A plant climbing up trellis is one of the most beautiful sights in the garden. It is a wonderful example of how a manmade object can help nature flourish.

    Garden trellis

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  4. Container Gardening - A Guide to Using Planters and Plant Containers

    Forest Agen Wooden Garden Planter 3x1

    Every garden needs a planter and every gardener should know how to be successful at container gardening. Read on to learn more!

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  5. Late Summer in the Greenhouse

    Late Summer in the Greenhouse

    Practical Greenhouse Tips for Late Summer 

    It’s been a scorcher of a summer so far and every plant in your greenhouse has worked hard to thrive and survive. Take some time to get your greenhouse

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  6. How to Make the Most of Your Bedding Plants

    How to Make the Most of Your Bedding Plants

    When you read ‘bedding’ and think of fitted sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers then perhaps you need to check out the haberdashery department. But if bedding conjures up images of containers stuffed with plants in a colour scheme reminiscent of an

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  7. The Most Popular Climbing Plants and How to Care for Climbers

    The Most Popular Climbing Plants and How to Care for Climbers

    Bare walls, fencing and obelisks are just waiting for a climber or two. Or maybe three. This little lot will clothe your naked vertical surfaces in no time at all. And that can only be good news.

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  8. Never Feed Lettuce to A Rabbit (And Other Dangerous Plants in The Garden)

    Never Feed Lettuce to A Rabbit (And Other Dangerous Plants in The Garden)

    The majority of plants are lovely, friendly additions to your garden. All fluffy, colourful and pretty. Even sweet smelling. 

    Others are laced with danger. A little

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  9. Adding Arbours, Pergolas and Gazebos to Your Garden

    Adding Arbours, Pergolas and Gazebos to Your Garden

    As children, building dens in the garden was an instinct – blankets across the washing line, cardboard boxes upended and filled with cushions, and hollowed out hideaways under bushes.

    As grown-ups, we have much better ways to create those special

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  10. Talking horticulture and wildlife with Guy Barter

    Talking horticulture and wildlife with Guy Barter

    Earlier this month, we caught up with Guy Barter, RHS Chief Horticultural Advisor, about horticulture, wildlife, and his plans for 2017. Check out his interview below.


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