It's possible to build garden decking onto either hard porous standing or directly on to the ground. If building directly onto ground, make sure that you level off the area and lay a weed proof membrane.

Decking choices

You have the choice of using a deck bearer kit or building the base for yourself. When building your own base, pre-cut all the bearer planks based on the size of the decking boards you intend to use.

Decking bearer base

  1. Position two bearers at opposite sides of the decking area
  2. Attach two joists along the other two sides of the decking area
  3. Attach the remaining joists with screws
  4. Keep the joists square Using a spirit level

Decking boards

  1. Place the first of the deck boards flush with the edge and then screw this to the base
  2. Lay another deck board next to the one you just attached (Using spacers)
  3. Screw this deck board to the base
  4. Repeat until the area is covered
  5. Attach facing boards to the outer edges to hide the bearer base structure