Top Tips and How To

  1. How to Attach Garden Trellis to a Fence Panel or Wall [UPDATED]

    Forest 6' x 1' Diamond Lattice Trellis Fence Topper - Read on to see how to attach trellis to a fence

    Attaching trellis to a fence or wall is an impressive way to give your garden a major style upgrade and a bit of privacy too. Read on as we discuss how to attach trellis to a fence.

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  2. How to Paint a Fence: Tips & Advice [UPDATED]

    a person's hand paints a fence

    Give your garden a new lease of life with our fence painting tips and advice. Learn how to paint a fence, including choosing the paint and applying it. Understand how to maintain the colour for a durable and revitalising fence makeover.

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  3. 6 Super Ways to Get Your Kids Off Their Phones and Into the Garden

    a grandad pushing a boy on a trolley in the garden

    If you want your kids to enjoy the many benefits of spending time in the garden, but you’re struggling to get them interested, here are a few ideas to get you started…

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  4. The Best Way to Storm Proof Your Garden Fencing is to Shop with Us

    Forest 6 x 6 Pressure Treated Decorative Flat Top Fence Panel

    If your fence panels have been damaged by recent storms, or you want to storm proof your fencing before the next one strikes, you’ll find everything you need here…

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  5. Your Guide to Winter Car Care

    Your Guide to Winter Car Care

    Don’t let the winter get the better of you or your car. Read about winter car care, driveway care and driving safely this winter.

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  6. Your Winter Lawn Care Guide

    Your Winter Lawn Care Guide

    Don’t neglect your lawn this winter. Read our winter lawn care guide so that your lawn remains in perfect condition for spring.

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  7. Garden Arches as Focal Points in Your Garden Design

    Garden Arches as Focal Points in Your Garden Design

    Benefits of A Garden Arch

    With warmer weather upon us, now is the time to focus on the layout of your garden.

    A key component of garden design is the garden arch, which makes a wonderful way to frame a walkway or separate different

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  8. Bug Hotels – How and Why to Build One

    Bug Hotels – How and Why to Build One

    Roll Out the Red Carpet for Insects

    Most bugs are great in the garden. Even the nasties are part of a bigger picture.

    You can help keep this all in a healthy balance, and get your garden looking great, by building a bug

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  9. How to Stop a Fence Rotting

    How to Stop a Fence Rotting

    When was the last time you inspected your garden fence for signs of rot and fungal decay?

    Oh, you can’t tell me? Tut-tut, that just won’t do.

    Unbeknownst to

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  10. How to Make the Most of Your Bedding Plants

    How to Make the Most of Your Bedding Plants

    When you read ‘bedding’ and think of fitted sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers then perhaps you need to check out the haberdashery department. But if bedding conjures up images of containers stuffed with plants in a colour scheme reminiscent of an

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